The Honorable Rick Orman

For President of the United Conservative Party

My Unity Message

“Now more than ever in the stifling environment of ‘political correctness,’ it is necessary for the health and growth of our Party that all points of views be considered. It’s about respect and it’s about affirming that we remain united when we can’t agree on everything. My record is one of collaboration in anything I do”. I would be deeply honoured to serve as UCP President, listening and engaging with members throughout Alberta on matters affecting the Party and everyday issues. Today, more than ever we must stand strong in support of our leader and premier against threats to Alberta’s fundamental rights and interests by an overreaching NDP-supported Liberal government in Ottawa”

About Me

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Rick and the Team speak out

Support The Unity Candidates

The team was carefully vetted and selected to ensure we have the most competent individuals on the board and ensure our party stands in solidarity behind our Leader.

Support the Movement

Our party is fueled by proud Albertans, determined to see our province become the very bestit can be. Can you chip in now?



Rick Orman & The Unity Candidates
Calgary – VIRTUAL
St. Albert – VIRTUAL

Rick Orman and the Unity Slate Campaign Office. Suite 400
1000 7th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 5L5

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